Wow, August already. How did that happen?
Wow, August already. How did that happen? I suddenly get the feeling that summer is slipping away and I haven't fished enough. Maybe it...
Jay Walden
Aug 2, 2016
Gin clear water, bluebird skies, fat, healthy trout
Gin clear water, bluebird skies, fat, healthy trout, rising fish, and hatches that last throughout the larger part of the day. If that...
Jay Walden
Jul 18, 2016
4th of July - High Flows - Sort of...
3,230 cfs, that's where we are right now. The ramp down that was originally scheduled for the 23rd, then changed to the 29th, actually...
Jay Walden
Jul 4, 2016
End of June
It's painstakingly slow—like watching paint dry, or grass grow, or waiting for a Sunday sermon to end when you're seven years old and the...
Jay Walden
Jun 26, 2016
"Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more," - William Shakespeare
"Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more," William Shakespeare, from Henry V. The next two days here will be the final hurrah...
Jay Walden
May 15, 2016
Upcoming High Flows
It's coming—the high water—5,000 cfs of it. The latest word from the BOR has the scheduled release date of May 16th at a 30 percent...
Jay Walden
May 8, 2016
At a time of such great political ugliness and divisiveness as a whole, it's great to know that there is at least one thing that everyone...
Jay Walden
May 3, 2016
First day of Spring
Look at that—the first day of spring, and only a few weeks ago, we thought it would never get here. It's been a long, tough winter—we're...
Jay Walden
Apr 20, 2016
Back many, many years ago when I would make my annual pilgrimage out West to fish, I would invariably pull the trigger too early and wind...
Jay Walden
Apr 18, 2016
''April is the cruellest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain"— T....
Jay Walden
Apr 10, 2016