Update regarding Abe’s Motel & Fly Shop
We are working with Hayden Outdoors to advertise and sell the business and property. If you would like more information regarding the listing, please visit: https://www.haydenoutdoors.com/land-for-sale/abes-lodging-and-fly-shop-on-the-san-juan-river/
You may continue to contact the following businesses formerly associated with Abe’s Motel & Fly Shop using the links below as they remain under their original ownership:
Las Verandas Lodge (vacation lodge) - sanjuanverandas.com
Abe’s Boat Storage - abesboatstorage.com
Born N' Raised Guide Service - bnrsanjuanriver.com
We, the Chavez Family, thank you, our faithful customers, for your patronage and support for over 60 years! We are especially appreciative of our exceptional managers & great crew in all the facets of our business (restaurant, fly shop, motel, etc.) that served our customers over the many decades.
This pause in the last year of our daily lives, however, has been a time of reflection for our family and we have been at a crossroads during the pandemic like most businesses. We believe now is currently the best time to respond to Abe’s request (prior to his passing in April 2019) which was to list the family business for sale.
Please know: no one respects the legacy of Abe Chavez more than our family, which is why it’s required careful consideration & thought. We are now taking a step of faith to honor our patriarch's wishes at this time and ask the support of those who remember & honor Abe as well.
God bless you all & many thanks to each of you.
Tight Lines,
Patsy, Randy, Nadine & Timothy
Fyi: Jay’s Fishing Reports continue at: sanjuanriver.com/fishingreports